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Do you agree to the following? 1. I understand that because I may handle and/or come in contact with animals, it is important to discuss being vaccinated against tetanus with my physician. I release HAPPY DAYS DOG AND CAT RESCUE, INC from all responsibility that may occur because of my not pursuing this matter further and I understand whatever decision I make is at my own risk. 2. I hereby release HAPPY DAYS DOG AND CAT RESCUE, INC. from and waive, on behalf of myself, my heirs and guests, all liability for any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, and compensation for damage or loss to myself, other animals and humans and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to act, of HAPPY DAYS DOG AND CAT RESCUE, INC, or that may otherwise arise in connection with any volunteer activities with or for HAPPY DAYS DOG AND CAT RESCUE, INC. 3. This Volunteer Liability Waiver extends to HAPPY DAYS DOG AND CAT RESCUE, INC together with all of its officers, directors, affiliates, volunteers and/or agents present, past and future. 4. I understand that because I may handle and come in contact with animals which is an activity prone to risks, including but not limited to the possibility of dog bites, scratches, infections, disease, accidents, and property damage. I assume these risks, and any other risks inherent in any activity I undertake on a volunteer basis for HAPPY DAYS DOG AND CAT RESCUE, INC. 5. IT IS MY INTENTION TO HOLD HARMLESS AND RELEASE FROM ALL LIABILITY HAPPY DAYS DOG AND CAT RESCUE, INC AND ALL PRESENT, PAST AND FUTURE, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, AFFILIATES, VOLUNTEERS AND AGENTS FROM ALL LIABILITY WHATSOEVER FOR PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND WRONGFUL DEATH. 6. My signature, whether original, by fax or any other electronic means is as valid as if it were an original signature. 7. I declare that I am 18 years of age or older.* Choose one: Yes No
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