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Kenny's Sponsorship Page

Meet Kenny, our newest resident at the Mikey & Me Kennels for Happy Days Dog & Cat Rescue. 

Kenny is a Hound mix, he’s only 6 months old, he weighs 31 pounds, and he’s a sweet, sweet boy. Kenny arrived at Mikey & Me the evening of Jan 3rd and he was very scared. Members of our volunteer team tried sitting with him, talking and moving very slowly but he needed time to decompress before he felt safe. Kenny finally went outside after 7 days of observing the other dogs’ routines and understanding that he was safe.  ❤️

Kenny loves to run around in our fenced in play yard. He’s just beginning to learn how to chase a ball, walk on a leash, and engage with people in a manner where he feels confident.

Kenny has his first Vet appt. scheduled for Wednesday, January 22nd. He will be given any vaccinations and booster shots needed and he will get a microchip. Kenny will need a Heart worm test at one year of age, approx. June 1st.

If you would like to meet this sweet little boy, please submit an adoption application under his name at .


Kenny's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
  Sponsor $
  Sponsor $

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Recurring Sponsorship
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